
Bcorp is a certification that states that the business/industry is in verified compliance with the highest social, environmental, transparency and accountings.

This new business model has as a principal  focus to balance the profits and the mission of the enterprise. B Corporations are demanded to consider the impact their decisions make on their collaborators, clients, suppliers, community and environment where they´re placed. This drives a global movement of people who use businesses to generate goods and services for good purposes and who also increasingly add more conscious consumers, which see utility value added to the traceability and reliability of products.

The certification requirements are adapted to the number of employees and the category of the company, absolutely every organization can be certified as B Corp once they pass the B impact assessment and it is verified by the B Lab agents around of the world.

The purpose of the certification is unique, since it ensures that the company takes into consideration the triple impact model in its productive actions (environmental, social and economic impact), thus moving away from the model of exploitation of natural resources and human resources for obtain a greater economic benefit.