Reserve of fauna and flora BDA
Based on the new direction in which we decided to take the industry, which is to stay under all the guidelines and requirements involved in developing a sustainable industrial plant, including production processes and the development of projects to achieve effective savings of resources such as energy and water. in the different production stations.
We decided to carry out a plan in which, from the beginning it will respect and seek a balance between industry and nature.
This is how we have reserved a green space area with a total of 14,000 square meters, of the 22,000 meters in total that the land has, where you can find more than 450 species of trees, which generally comprises families that produce fruits As mangoes (Magnifera Indica), Mints (Syagrus Romanzoffiana) as well as those that generate flowers such as the Yvyá Pyta (Peltrophorum Dubium) and the Jacarandá (Jacaranda Mimosifolia), filling with different nuances of colors and smells in all the stations of the year.
The reserve not only serves for the care and development of the flora, since by maintaining this space with due care through pruning, fertilizing the land and using an irrigation method through treated water from the treatment plant of effluents, which allows us to reuse, in dry seasons, up to 60% of the water from the washing processes.
All this allowed us to receive other benefits from nature, in addition to having a beautiful rest environment for our operators, we received visits from different birds, some of them even decided to stay and nest inside the reserve thanks to its good maintenance and others that are momentarily on their migratory path.
To all this, we must add that the reservation also allowed us together with students of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Asuncion.
This process allows to produce natural gas for the area of personnel and natural fertilizer from waste that would be otherwise missing, betting on the circular economy and including all taxpayers.
Also another detail worth highlighting that we had to modify the original planes of the plant, displacing a boundary in order to avoid the pruning of a group of trees that are in front of the facade.
To date, the benefits we receive are extremely gratifying, since by adopting this work philosophy we obtain a healthier environment, increasing the quality of life and work within the plant, which fills us with inspiration.
This motivates us to continue working with more strength and conviction, taking this philosophy to the homes of our employees so that it can be replicated by them.
In addition, thanks to all this we received international recognition and certifications such as LEED Silver, GOTS and BCORP, allowing us to enter demanding markets both in Europe and in the United States.
That is why, we will remain firm in that type of “sustainable company” concept, since generating awareness and demonstrating with the example, we will reduce the environment of environmental impact and increase social development, ensuring a more promising future for all in Balance with nature and inevitable productive activities.