Current situation of water resources
It is well known that one of the most precious resources we can possess is water; this element is present in every area of our lives on a daily basis. We need it for cooking, for cleaning in general, for agriculture, for production and social development. In a few words to generate life.
Although it seems like an abundant resource, since we can find the element in almost every corner of the planet; this really begins to be scarce, according to studies by the UN (United Nations Organization) only 3% of water is drinkable, and reports indicate that in the last decade a fifth of the entire world population suffers from water scarcity , this trend could grow if we do not act now in relation to climate change.
Taking these details into account, from our plant we have initiated projects that help and add to the campaign to preserve water.
How do we do it?
In principle, the water we use during the production process is acquired rationally from a well located within the property itself, only the amount that is necessary is used and it is taken to the laundry area through pipes.
Once that first part is ready for production, different methodologies are followed to ensure proper use, which are based on stages and are as follows:
By joining the steps of desengome (process in which starch is removed from the fabric) together with chemical (enzymatic) processes, we managed to reduce an average of 6.5 Ltrs/jean.
For the reduction of color we use the combination of chemicals and the use of ozone technology, with which we managed to reduce an average of 1.3 Ltrs/jean.
To neutralize the color reducer, we improved the addition of water inside the machine, thus achieving an average reduction of 7.5 Ltrs/jean.
With the combination of the chemical (enzymatic) process and the improvement of the addition of water to the washing bath, an average saving of 6.6 Ltrs/Jean was achieved in the waxing of jeans.
By optimizing the water ratio inside the drum and the use of first generation softeners, the softening process managed to save an average of 1.6 Ltrs/Jean.
This is how we have achieved an average saving of 23.5 Ltrs/Jean, which means 34% less water than the initial washing recipe.
What happens to the water used?
Once it has passed the work stations, the used water is sent through pipes to our own treatment plant, where with different processing systems such as fine sand filtering, natural carbon filters, waste separation through decanters and stabilization of the Ph of the water is returned to the plant, to be reused within the line, in the toilets and in the irrigation system. In case there is an overflow, a certain part is discharged into the bed of the stream that runs through the property, this water is totally crystalline.
Also, in order to continue taking advantage of what nature provides us efficiently, we have a collection source for rainwater, which is treated and redirected to the irrigation system.
Together, all this effort of tasks and technologies ensures us to use this resource consciously, to preserve it and by example to send a message to adopt a change of attitude and act now in the face of climate change and its consequences.